Thursday, February 27, 2020

And now for something completely different (Star Wars)

I wanna take a break from all the Navi talk and just hash out something I was thinking about Star Wars.

I was thinking about the sequel trilogy and its various critiques and I think one basic story move could have made the whole thing more entertaining.

Instead of having Kylo be an unabashedly bad guy, present his perspective as someone who has been manipulated into misunderstanding the events of the original trilogy. Let him be a troll. Let him argue that Luke was a rebellious child who murdered the emperor and his own father out of hatred and that the fall of the empire has resulted in chaotic anarchy in the galaxy. Let Kylo have a good argument to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and try to re-conquer the galaxy.

This gives the film a lot of leeway to bring clips from the prior movies in support of Kylo's understanding. We could watch clips of Luke hacking off his father's arm in rage or security footage of his screaming at Vader (rendering security footage of Luke and Vader would be a nice little technical marvel for Disney and its special effects team). Even clips from the prequel trilogy of how the galactic government had stood for centuries in peace. This gives Kylo to be a stand-in for the modern troll distorting facts to suit his world view.

Kylo would believe that he had to re-institute the empire to restore order to the galaxy and he could lead the first order or whoever in a series of terrorist campaigns. I see this version of the character as a kind of anti-villain in which his motivations are pure and justified in the film but that we the viewers know to be wrong and consequently root against him.

This also allows for a better narrative reason that we gather the old gang back. Kylo would believe that Luke, Leia, and Han had duped the galaxy into believing that the fall of the empire was a good thing so our protagonist (Rey or whoever) would need their help in combating Kylo's campaign of terror.

One of the nice things about this approach is that the viewers would naturally oppose or accept Kylo's distortion - few would be undecided. This would incite lots of discussion over Kylo as his argument is particularly against the catharsis of the original trilogy and fans would be inspired to oppose him.

The thing is, there are indications from the movies that this is part of Kylo's motivation but the films needed to really underline this argument so we don't look at Kylo as so obviously wrong.

Just a thought.

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